The misconception of Low Resolution photos.

When a client asks for their entire gallery in high resolution files, I sometimes wonder "Are they planning to print, frame, and hang 15-20 pictures??" In reality they will print their favorites and share the gallery online. Also, it's because of the misconception of what low resolution really is.

Low resolution images is not the same as poor quality images.  We have this idea, that getting a low resolution file is like getting something of little to no value. This is simply not true!

Currently my desk top image is of a low resolution file on a 21.5 inch screen filling it top to bottom and side to side, and you know what? I don't see a single individual pixel. Oh, but how can that be? Why doesn't look like crap? Simple answer, low resolution isn't crap unless the image was a crap image to begin with.

Here's a screenshot of my desk top on the left is the image magnified to the point I start seeing pixels. Remember this is a 21.5inc screen not a 12in laptop or 10 in tablet.

Let me throw some numbers at you. The high resolution Jpeg of this image is: 5775 x 3855 pixels at 300 ppi resolution. The one on my desk top is 1386x725 at 72 ppi resolution.

Low resolution images are perfect for sharing on social media, websites, and email. This gives faster upload time, no resizing compression from social media, and no email warnings "The file exceeds the size...". These are the images you want to share online, not high resolution.

High resolution images are the ones your photographer prepares for print. Yes, every print should be prepared for the specific size it is to be printed. This will allow the image to look it's absolute best. They will come out OK with out this prep work, but who wants OK when you can get fantastic after investing in your photographer?

Low resolution are not for print and will typically get a "resolution to low" warning at your lab or even the drug store kiosk. Different printers require different resolution. anywhere from 180-360ppi. Low resolution looks great online, but will not look good on paper. This has to do with how printers and digital handle resolution. That is why on my screen the picture looks great, but if I were to print an 8x10 of the same file it would look blurry and pixelated. Both work differently in how resolution is handled.

Get what you love and adore in high quality prints from your photographer and if you are fortunate enough to receive low resolution images for sharing online, share to your heart's content, set as your desk top, and email them to family.

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